Configuring & Troubleshooting Internet Information Services in Win Server 2008 [6427]
Windows 2008 Web
Server Mit dem Windows Server 2008 sind auch viele neue
Dienste für moderne Anwendungen verfügbar und speziell die "Internet Information
Services 7.0" (IIS 7) werden in diesem Seminar genauestens erklärt und in vielen
guten Übungen trainiert!
Dieses Seminar richtet sich an alle
Systemarchitekten und Systemadministratoren, die sich eingehend mit den neuen
Features von IIS 7.0 beschäftigen wollen.
Vorbereitend auf das optionale Examen: 70-643
Voraussetzungen Windows Server 2003 und 2008 Kenntnisse
Configuring an IIS 7.0 Web
Server -
Introducing Internet
Information Services 7.0 - Installing the Web Server Role in Windows
Server 2008 - Configuring Application Development, Health, and HTTP
Features - Configuring Performance, Security, and Server Component
Configuring IIS 7.0 Web Sites and Application Pools - Introducing Web Sites and Application
Pools - Creating a Web Site - Creating an Application Pool -
Maintaining an Application Pool
Command-line and Scripting for IIS 7.0 Administration -Tools for Running Administrative Tasks in
IIS - Executing Scripts for Administrative Tasks (using PowerShell,
Microsoft Web Administration Provider, command-line) - Managing IIS Tasks
IIS 7.0
for Improved Performance - Implementing Best Practices for Improving IIS
Performance - Configuring Options to Improve IIS
Performance - Managing Application
Pools to Improve IIS Performance
Ensuring Web Site Availability with Web Farms - Backing Up and Restoring Web Sites - Working
with Shared Configurations - Configuring Network Load Balancing for IIS
Troubleshooting IIS 7.0 Web Servers - Troubleshooting Authentication - Troubleshooting
Authorization - Troubleshooting Communication - Troubleshooting
Suha Güngören
Dauer: 3 Tage
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